We love our phones. We take them everywhere with us. Buy them special cases. Bring them on trips, dates, and every special event. They’re the first thing we look at in the morning and the last thing we see before we sleep.
But for how well we take care of them, they don’t always treat us so well.
Phones can hurt our mental health. Physical health. Emotional health. Self-esteem. Productivity. Grades. Work. Relationships. They can even provoke some addictions and bad habits.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here are 5 tips to help you break up with your phone and gain even more control over your life.
1. Delete the app(s)
This is the most difficult but most important step. Delete the apps that waste too much of your time. You can still access Facebook, Instagram, or your social media of choice without the app.
Actually having to go to your search engine and log in to the site will regulate your usage and make it more difficult to just mindlessly (or habitually) click on the app(s) when you’re bored (or procrastinating).
2. Change/set a morning and night routine
Looking at your phone first thing in the morning and before you go to bed is not the best thing for your health. Especially your sleep. Setting or changing your morning and night routines will regulate your usage and increase your health, outlook, and sleep.
In the morning, try setting a habit or routine that doesn’t include your phone. Exercise, meditate, pray, get ready, read, eat, do self-affirmations, or just lay in bed for a little bit. Just treat yourself with a good start. How you start your day affects how you perceive the rest of it.
As for nighttime, try charging your phone in either a separate room or ~just~ out of reach from your bedside. This will allow you to properly wind down and get a good night’s rest.
3. Set aside certain times for your phone
Try setting aside certain times each day for you to look at your phone. With a certain allotment of time.
For example, set a goal to only check social media ___ times a day for ___ blank amount of time. You will still be just as informed but a little more ~zen~.
4. Find a “replacement phone”
Find something to replace your phone when you get bored or have downtime. Instead of scrolling through Instagram, try reading that book you’ve been wanting to. Start that project or try out that hobby you’ve been wanting to learn. Spend some time outside. Or spend some time with your loved ones.
You won’t realize how much time you actually have to do the things you’ve been wanting to until you break free from your phone.
5. Set limits on your phone
iPhone has this amazing new feature that allows you to set limits and restrictions on your phone. I’m not sure if the other smartphone brands have it, but it’s a great new feature that can really help monitor your usage and master your self-control. Under “Screen Time” in Settings, there are options to restrict and/or set specific limits on certain apps and your phone overall.
I currently have limits set on my phone to remind me to stop using it from 9:30 pm until 6:30 am, as well as a time limit on Netflix (because we all accidentally watch 5 episodes of Gilmore Girls sometimes, right?)
I hope this helps you become healthier and more in control of your life. Phones can be great, life-changing tools. Just don’t let them outsmart you.